What Clients are Saying About Steven…

Steven is the first person I think of when confronted with high stakes organizational leadership issues. He’s practical, provides actionable advice, and moves the process forward at light-speed.

“Steven is in the top 1% of executive coaches and organizational advisors in the country.”

Not a textbook! Steven has a deep understanding of the human side of organizational development, which leads to real successes.

The biggest mistake I made was not using your services sooner!

Steven helped us rethink a $200,000 deal we were negotiating to become a $2,000,000 deal. He doesn’t train people, he teaches you to think, to create elegant solutions…A rare and invaluable resource.

Steven brings something new to the table that adds to our strategic ability for better decision-making–be it negotiations, business strategies, or getting the best from our people.

In the midst of major strategic changes, we created the best team and brought out the collective intelligence that enabled us to take effective action.

In the midst of the economic downturn, a RIF with a hiring freeze, implementation of a major global ERP system, and with a powerful need to do more with less, we used Steven’s Neurostrategy and saved over $1.5 million dollars at Sun Microsystems. And then helped build a great team at BEA Systems

The key to Steven being a great executive coach is that he provides the right ideas with impeccable timing to impact the business results.

Steven is the most skilled consultant I have ever worked with. His skill, combined with his intuition gets results rapidly.

Steven optimized and accelerated the effectiveness of key individuals and the organization.

We had a tough leadership situation which Steven was able to turn around. We received a substantial return on our investment.

Steven is worth his weight in gold, he reduced the disconnects and discontent and kept us focused on the finish line.

Managers are asking me how I had the foresight to be right on a high stakes decision. I say – they need the right advisor. Steven is that guy.

Steven took our group of managers and molded us into a high-performance executive team.

Steven Feinberg is the only leadership strategist who discovers unexpected solutions for you in places where others wouldn’t even know to look.